Banyak artis pendatang baru tenar gara-gara Youtube, ketenaran mereka hanya karena ulah iseng mereka yang melakukan unggah video mereka ke Youtube dan ditonton oleh banyak orang sehingga mereka menjadi orang terkenal secara mendadak. Apakah anda juga ingin menjadi terkenal seperti Norman Camaru dari Sulawesi yang dulunya personil Polisi kini meninggalkan kesatuannya dan memilih menjadi penyanyi, Udin dari Lombok yang dikenal dengan Lagu SI Udinnya dan dua gadis cantik dari Bandung Sinta dan Jojo dengan lipsinch lagu Keong Racun.
Selain tujuan iseng ada juga bertujuan untuk menyebar luaskan informasi melalui video pada Youtube. Anda mungkin salah satu dari orang yang cuma berniat iseng maupun hanya sekedar berbagi informasi melalui video. Tapi pesan saya jangan upload video porno ya... kasihan, bukannya menjadi orang terkenal tapi justru menjadi tersangka.
Cara Membuat Akun Youtube
1. Kunjungi situs, kemudian lihat pojok kanan atas ada menu Create Account, klik Create Account.
2. Isi data diri anda, mulai dari first nama dan last name, google user name, tanggal lahir, jenis kelamin dan lain-lain. Buatkan password untuk akses akun youtube anda pada Create a Password.
3. Centang tulisan I agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
4. Klik Next Step
5. Bila anda memiliki foto bisa di add profil foto pada langkah ke 5 ini, jika tidak silahkan klik Next Step
6. Klik Back To Youtube.
Anda sudah berhasil membuat akun google sekaligus sebagai akun Youtube, selanjutnya anda tinggal melakukan upload video ke youtube kapan saja.
Rabu, 29 Februari 2012
Minggu, 19 Februari 2012
5 tips cinta dalam merayu cewek
1. Sifat kekanak-kanakan
Nggak ada cewek yang suka melihat anda kekanak-kanakan. suka ngambek, suka ribut, suka cari masalah, tergantung orang lain, dsb.
2. Ngebadut
Banyak teman-teman saya yang berprofesi sebagai playboy :) . Mensarankan untuk tidak ngebadut di depan cewek. Pertama aku juga bingung. Maksudnya apa ngebadut. Apa jadi badut betulan? tampang saya emang nggak cakep-cakep amat sih bahkan cenderung jelek, tapi kalau mirip badut…nggak deh
Ternyata..ngebadut yang dimaksud ini adalah bercanda untuk menghibur si cewek. Merelakan diri untuk menjadi obyek lelucon. Melakukan hal-hal konyol untuk membuat si dia happy.
Anda disini tidak saling bercanda dengan si cewek melainkan anda menjadi bahan lelucon supaya si cewek bahagia. Jika anda tetap seperti itu anda hanya dianggap boneka mainan oleh si cewek. Dianggap Pacar atau suami…jangan berharap.
3. Khawatir Tampang
Banyak orang menganggap bahwa mempunyai tampang ganteng akan mudah meraih pacar. Memang IYA. Namun tidak untuk menjadi suami. Menurut penelitan sumber yang mungkin terpercaya bahwa wanita lebih memilih Pria yang dewasa.
Tampang no sekian. Asal punya tampang nggak jelek-jelek amat.
4. Tidak Menjadi pemimpin
Jika anda benar-benar lelaki sejati. Anda harus menunjukkan bahwa anda memang seorang pria yang akan menjadi pemimpin. Hal ini sudah terjadi selama ribuan tahun…dan jangan diubah.
Gampang nya! Saat anda ingin menelepon si dia..Anda yang harus pertama nelpon dan ngomong ke dia. Kemuadian anda yang menentukan topik pembicaraan. Jika ingin pergi ke bioskop anda yang menentukan film apa yang ingin ditonton. Jika ingin pergi ke tempat wisata anda juga berkewajiban dalam menetapkan tempat wisata yang akan dituju.
5. Memanjakan cewek
Kesahalan fatal seorang laki-laki. Adalah terlalu memanjakan si dia. Kita ambil contoh aja…Membelikan banyak hadiah mahal tiap ketemu, mentraktir ke semua restoran mahal di penjuru kota.
Cewek memang akan suka dengan hal itu. Tapi itu tidak lebih dari fasilitas yang anda berikan. Bukan karena ketulisan dari dalam hati mereka.
Dan anda hanya akan dianggap sebagai pria yang ngarep untuk dicintai. Tidak lebih dari itu
Berikalanlah benda sewajarnya dan pada hari-hari tertentu saja. Kecuali jika si cewek itu telah menjadi istri anda.
Semoga bermanfaat jika anda ingin menjadi lelaki playboy atau cowok idaman.
Nggak ada cewek yang suka melihat anda kekanak-kanakan. suka ngambek, suka ribut, suka cari masalah, tergantung orang lain, dsb.
2. Ngebadut
Banyak teman-teman saya yang berprofesi sebagai playboy :) . Mensarankan untuk tidak ngebadut di depan cewek. Pertama aku juga bingung. Maksudnya apa ngebadut. Apa jadi badut betulan? tampang saya emang nggak cakep-cakep amat sih bahkan cenderung jelek, tapi kalau mirip badut…nggak deh
Ternyata..ngebadut yang dimaksud ini adalah bercanda untuk menghibur si cewek. Merelakan diri untuk menjadi obyek lelucon. Melakukan hal-hal konyol untuk membuat si dia happy.
Anda disini tidak saling bercanda dengan si cewek melainkan anda menjadi bahan lelucon supaya si cewek bahagia. Jika anda tetap seperti itu anda hanya dianggap boneka mainan oleh si cewek. Dianggap Pacar atau suami…jangan berharap.
3. Khawatir Tampang
Banyak orang menganggap bahwa mempunyai tampang ganteng akan mudah meraih pacar. Memang IYA. Namun tidak untuk menjadi suami. Menurut penelitan sumber yang mungkin terpercaya bahwa wanita lebih memilih Pria yang dewasa.
Tampang no sekian. Asal punya tampang nggak jelek-jelek amat.
4. Tidak Menjadi pemimpin
Jika anda benar-benar lelaki sejati. Anda harus menunjukkan bahwa anda memang seorang pria yang akan menjadi pemimpin. Hal ini sudah terjadi selama ribuan tahun…dan jangan diubah.
Gampang nya! Saat anda ingin menelepon si dia..Anda yang harus pertama nelpon dan ngomong ke dia. Kemuadian anda yang menentukan topik pembicaraan. Jika ingin pergi ke bioskop anda yang menentukan film apa yang ingin ditonton. Jika ingin pergi ke tempat wisata anda juga berkewajiban dalam menetapkan tempat wisata yang akan dituju.
5. Memanjakan cewek
Kesahalan fatal seorang laki-laki. Adalah terlalu memanjakan si dia. Kita ambil contoh aja…Membelikan banyak hadiah mahal tiap ketemu, mentraktir ke semua restoran mahal di penjuru kota.
Cewek memang akan suka dengan hal itu. Tapi itu tidak lebih dari fasilitas yang anda berikan. Bukan karena ketulisan dari dalam hati mereka.
Dan anda hanya akan dianggap sebagai pria yang ngarep untuk dicintai. Tidak lebih dari itu
Berikalanlah benda sewajarnya dan pada hari-hari tertentu saja. Kecuali jika si cewek itu telah menjadi istri anda.
Semoga bermanfaat jika anda ingin menjadi lelaki playboy atau cowok idaman.
Tips mendapatkan mantan pacar
Mungkin bagi sebagian orang balikan sama mantan pacar rasanya tidak etis (wajar). Kalau rasanya tidak mampu untuk melupakan si dia karena masih ada feeling
yang tersimpan, so nggak ada salahnya balikan lagi sama mantan. Mantan
pacar bukan berarti mantan teman, ketika sudah putus, trus putus
berhubungan silaturahmi juga. Tapi, setelah melakukan beberapa survey
(halah.., kaya’ penelitian aja nih), memang fenomenanya menunjukkan
bahwa banyak juga sebagian dari kita yang justru memutuskan hubungan
silaturahmi dengan mantan pacar. Alasannya variatif, ada yang karena
kesal, kecewa, sakit hati, sengaja ingin melupakan, dan ada juga yang berkomitmen untuk tidak mau bertemu dengannya lagi (berat nih kasusnya..

Bagi kamu yang ingin balikan sama mantan pacar tapi masih ragu-ragu (atau bisa jadi karena ‘gengsi’), ya coba tanya lagi sama hati kecil kamu. Karena seperti kata orang-orang, “kata hati kecil adalah jujur dan hal yang sebenarnya diinginkan oleh diri kita sendiri”.
Tanpa panjang lebar, kalau ingin mendapatkan mantan pacar kamu lagi, ada beberapa strategi atau tips mendapatkan mantan pacar versi saya.
> Perbaiki hubungan kamu kembali.
telfon dia, main ke rumahnya, atau ajaklah dia jalan. Dengan hal
tersebut, kamu memperbaiki hubungan dengan si dia, kamu bisa beradaptasi
kembali untuk menerima keadaan atau kondisi yang sedang kamu jalani
sekarang ini. Karena sebelumnya kamu telah putus, maka pada kondisi
tersebut akan ada suatu hal seperti ucap kata atau perbuatan yang
membekas diantara kamu dan dia. Ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki hubungan
kamu yang mungkin sebelumnya kurang baik, atau istilah orang bilang
bilang PDKT.
> Mencari informasi.
lupa untuk mencari informasi yang berhubungan atau tentang dia, dari
teman-temannya, atau bisa juga dari dia langsung. Contohnya seperti
“Apakah dia masih marah sama kamu”, “Apakah dia masih mau menganggap
kamu sebagai temannya”, atau “Apakah dia sudah punya pacar?”, dsb.
Dengan mengumpulkan informasi, maka kamu dapat menjadikan informasi
tersebut menjadi pertimbangan buat kamu untuk menentukan langkah
> Berikan perhatian.
kalau kamu perhatian sama dia. Tapi, jangan terlalu over/berlebihan.
Karena perlu di ingat, bahwa posisi kamu masih dalam status mantan yang mencoba PDKT lagi.
Selain itu, kamu bisa bayangkan bagaimana rasanya terlalu diperhatikan?
So, berikanlah perhatian dengan sewajarnya sambil mencoba dengan
perlahan untuk memasuki kehidupannya (hari-harinya) kembali.
> Buatlah sebuah janji.
semua hal diatas telah kamu lakukan dan melakukan pertimbangan, cobalah
untuk membuat suatu rencana untuk mengetahui jawaban yang ada di hati
kamu dengan mengajaknya ketemuan ke tempat yang menurut kamu menarik.
Bagaimanapun dan apapun itu, jadikanlah event itu sebagai event yang
istimewa bagi kamu. Karena dengan bersikap seperti itu si dia bisa
menilai maksud dan keseriusan kamu ketika itu.
> Cari detik-detik yang tepat.
kamu sedang berdua dengannya, cari kondisi yang tepat agar kamu bisa
menyatakan perasaan kamu. Dalam hal ini kamu sendiri yang bisa melihat
kondisi yang tepat waktu itu. Ketika kamu mencapatkan detik-detik yang
tepat, Shoot him..!! Nyatakanlah isi hati kamu, dan buktikan keseriusan bahwa kamu memang benar-benar masih mencintainya.
itu tips mendapatkan pacar versi saya. Intinya, kalau ingin balikan
sama mantan, jangan lupa untuk menunjukkan kalau kamu ingin serius dan
mencoba menjalin semuanya untuk lebih baik dari sebelumnya..

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012
Kamis, 16 Februari 2012
tips mendapatkan wanita/cewek
Cinta kadang membuat kita gila, Apalagi jika kita mendambagan seorang wanita tetapi kita tidak berani berbuat apa apa. Patinya itu menjadi masalah yang sangat besar bagi kita. Jika anda berkeingin mendapatkan cewek yang menjadi pujaan hati anda, anda harus mencoba Tips Mendapatkan Wanita/ Cewek Idaman ini.
Tips Pertama Mendapatkan cewek, Anda harus memiliki penampilan yang cukup. Paling tidak anda harus merawat diri anda. jaga kebersihan berikan sedikit parfum agar seorang cewek bisa mengenali anda maupun bisa menjadi ciri khas diri anda.
Tips Kedua anda harus bisa memiliki Penampilan yang menciri khaskan diri anda atau style anda. Penampilan yang menarik pasti jadi buruan para cewek, jangan takut anda dibilang cowok metroseksual, yang terpenting adalah sifat anda yang tidak lebay.
Tipe Ketiga anda harus jadi cowok yang humoris tetapi juga perhatian, selain anda harus bisa menghibur cewek anda, anda juga harus memberi perhatiaan yang lebih kepada seorang cewek
Tips Keempat adalah anda harus berani menghadapi cewek tersebut, paling tidak anda harus berani menemui cewek tersebut dan mengajak ngobrol karena jika anda cuma mengidam idamkan saja tanpa ada tindakan y percuma.
Itulah Tips Mendapatkan Wanita/ Cewek Idaman dari kami. Kami akan memberikan tips tips lainnya untuk anda. Nantikan terus tips lainnya dari kami, selain hanya tips di atas masih banyak hal2 lain untuk anda baca.
gehack website sebenarnya mudah banget, tak perlu lu ngerti bahasa
pemprograman apapun, harus cape2 "mancing-mancing" cari password admin .
cukup modal 1 script dan bisa ngetik, ngedit image and baca tulis
cukup ikuti langkah ini saja :
1. cari website sasaran (terserah situs apa, mau situs microsoft, FBI, CIA, situs KPU?. pokoknya suka2 lu aja deh), misal nih . wkwkwwk
2. Tunggu loading sampe tampilan halaman web penuh. (terbuka sempurna)
3. Sekarang menuju langkah yang paling serunya. Copy script ini :
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
(copy aja bos).
4. Sekarang paste script diatas di address web browser lu (gw pake Mozilla Firefox). maksud gw timpa tadi dengan script tadi trus enter bos.......
5. Nah sekarang lu siap dah buat acak2in tuh website : mau ganti image nya, me-resize, nge-drag image nya terserah mo diletakin dimana. trus edit aja semua kata2/huruf2 nya. Misal kayak tittle forum kita ini: Nimbuzz Family Indonesia - The First Indonesian Nimbuzz Community trus lu edit jadi NFI : Nimbuzz Female Indonesia, wkwkwkw. ketik aja kayak lu ngetik di word. ok bosss????????
6. Langkah terakhir, saatnya lu riang gembira dan ber-narsis riang karena lu udah bisa nge-crack website orang. trus telpon aja temen lu, kasih kabar kalau lu udah jadi super cracker soalnya bisa nembus situs KPU. Paling mantap kalau lu save pages tuh website yang udah lu crack biar bisa dipamerin ma temen2 lu.
HOOOOOOOOOOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.............................., TAPIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! ada tapinya nih, jangan seneng dulu! setelah diselidik2 eh ternyata lu cuma nge-hack website di pc lu doank, huhuhahuahuah maksud gw, lu cuma bisa ngehack tampilan website tersebut di pc yang lu pake browsing. sedangkan website aslinya ga apa2, huhuahuhuhauhahua........... intinya bro cara ini sebenarnya adl cara mudah buat ngedit halaman html tanpa harus pake html editor, wkwkwkwkw
cukup ikuti langkah ini saja :
1. cari website sasaran (terserah situs apa, mau situs microsoft, FBI, CIA, situs KPU?. pokoknya suka2 lu aja deh), misal nih . wkwkwwk
2. Tunggu loading sampe tampilan halaman web penuh. (terbuka sempurna)
3. Sekarang menuju langkah yang paling serunya. Copy script ini :
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0
(copy aja bos).
4. Sekarang paste script diatas di address web browser lu (gw pake Mozilla Firefox). maksud gw timpa tadi dengan script tadi trus enter bos.......
5. Nah sekarang lu siap dah buat acak2in tuh website : mau ganti image nya, me-resize, nge-drag image nya terserah mo diletakin dimana. trus edit aja semua kata2/huruf2 nya. Misal kayak tittle forum kita ini: Nimbuzz Family Indonesia - The First Indonesian Nimbuzz Community trus lu edit jadi NFI : Nimbuzz Female Indonesia, wkwkwkw. ketik aja kayak lu ngetik di word. ok bosss????????
6. Langkah terakhir, saatnya lu riang gembira dan ber-narsis riang karena lu udah bisa nge-crack website orang. trus telpon aja temen lu, kasih kabar kalau lu udah jadi super cracker soalnya bisa nembus situs KPU. Paling mantap kalau lu save pages tuh website yang udah lu crack biar bisa dipamerin ma temen2 lu.
HOOOOOOOOOOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.............................., TAPIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! ada tapinya nih, jangan seneng dulu! setelah diselidik2 eh ternyata lu cuma nge-hack website di pc lu doank, huhuhahuahuah maksud gw, lu cuma bisa ngehack tampilan website tersebut di pc yang lu pake browsing. sedangkan website aslinya ga apa2, huhuahuhuhauhahua........... intinya bro cara ini sebenarnya adl cara mudah buat ngedit halaman html tanpa harus pake html editor, wkwkwkwkw
Cara mudah mengedit foto dengan photoscape, Bagi
anda pemula dalam hal editing foto, photoscape adalah software yang
sangat cocok untuk anda karena kemudahan dalam pemakaian, cepat dan
praktis. Hasilnya pun sangat memuaskan dan tidak kalah dengan adobe
photoshop. Bagi anda yang belum punya Photoscape anda dapat langsung
mendownloadnya disini secara gratis. Untuk Cara mudah mengedit foto dengan photoscape anda tinggal menggunakan fitur fitur yang sudah disediakan photoscape berikut ini :
- Penilik/Viewer, fungsi dari fitur ini adalah untuk melihat foto di dalam folder anda atau bisa disebut explorer untuk gambar, anda juga bisa menampilkan slide show dengan fitur ini.
- Editor, fungsi dari fitur ini adalah untuk mengubah ukuran, kecerahan dan penyesuaian warna, white balance, koreksi lampu latar, frame, balon, modus mosaik, menambahkan teks, gambar gambar, cropping, filter penghapusan mata merah, mekar, stempel klon.
- Editor tumpak/Batch Editor, fitur ini berfungsi untuk mengedit beberapa foto sekaligus
- Halaman/Page, halaman untuk menyusun beberapa foto.
- Gabung/Combine, fitur ini berfungsi untuk menggabungkan beberapa foto menjadi satu foto akhir yang dikehendaki
- GIF Animasi/Animated GIF, Anda dapat membuat animasi GIF dengan menggunakan fitur ini
- Cetak/Print, Berfungsi untuk mencetak foto ke berbagai ukuran dan model cetakan.
- Pemotong Foto/Spliter, berfungsi untuk membagi atau memotong foto menjadi beberapa bagian
- Menangkap Layar/Screen capture, berfungsi untuk merekam screenshoot anda dan menyimpannya
- Pemilih warna/Color Picker, untuk memilih dan menentukan warna pada gambar
- Konversi RAW/RAW Converter, fungsi dari fitur ini adalah untuk mengkonversi atau mengubah file raw dari kamera anda kedalam bentuk JPEG
- Ganti Nama/Rename, mengubah nama file foto
- Mencetak kertas/Paper Print, Mencetak gambar dengan template yang disediakan dan juga untuk mencetak kalender
Rabu, 15 Februari 2012
Senggigi Beach Hotel, Lombok Rating - **** starstarstarstar Senggigi Beach Hotel Jl. Pantai Senggigi LOMBOK 83010 ID
Hotel Introduction

Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia is a
fantastic hotel and ranks high in the list of the best 4 Star Hotels in
Lombok in Indonesia. Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia is one
of the best hotels found in the entire region of Indonesia. Senggigi
Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia provide the guests with an excellent
location and amazing room facilities.
Senggigi Beach Hotel at Lombok in Indonesia has an excellent
location. The hotel is situated on the wonderful beach of Cape Senggigi.
The guests can reach the hotel from any part of the city by any form of
transport. The hotel is just 25 minutes away from the famous Lombok's
Selaparang airport. Room and Accommodation


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in room safe, tea & coffee making facilities.
Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia is a fantastic hotel and ranks really high in the list of the best 4 Star Hotels in Lombok in Indonesia. Room Facilities at Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia are simply amazing as they take care of each and every need of the guests coming to stay here at the hotel. Room Facilities at Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia are simply the best to be found in the entire hotel fraternity of Indonesia. Room Facilities at Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia have been designed in a manner so as to provide the maximum satisfaction to the guests coming to stay here.
List of Room Facilities in Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok of Indonesia is simply endless and includes the best of all facilities and amenities. They are as follows:
- The rooms of the hotel are air conditioned and guests can sit in
their rooms. They can beat the summer heat while sitting in the cool
confines of their rooms.
- The rooms of the hotel are fitted with televisions and are provided with cable and satellite connections.
- The rooms of the hotel also provide mini bars and refrigerators. The refrigerators are stacked with all kinds of food.
- The rooms of the hotel also offer the guests with 24 hours room services.
- The rooms of the hotel are also fitted with bathrooms with the proper toilet accessories.
- Room Facilities at Senggigi Beach Hotel of Lombok at Indonesia are the best to be found in the entire city.
Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia is a fantastic hotel and ranks high in the list of the best 4 Star Hotels in Lombok in Indonesia. Hotel Amenities and Services at Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia are simply amazing and outstanding. Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia is really wonderful and Hotel Amenities and Services at Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia cater to each and every need of the guests coming to stay here at the hotel. Hotel Amenities and Services at Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia along with the location and room services are simply amazing and appears as an attractive package to the guests of the hotel. The wide array of Hotel Amenities and Services in Senggigi Beach Hotel at Lombok at Indonesia is amazing and excellent
Mandara Spa
Hidden discretely behind high walls, Mandara Spa at Senggigi Beach Hotel is a private relaxation oasis with its own magnificent tropical gardens and swimming pool. For single treatments, there is a garden bale. Couples can make use of one of the two double Spa Suites, both with outdoor shower in an intimate garden setting.
Spa Villa TreatmentsMandara Spa features four couple villa rooms, two single treatment rooms and an outdoor bale overlooking the ocean. Over 200 square meters of pure luxury specially designed for couples and friends to enjoy spa treatments together.
List of Hotel Amenities and Services in Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok is as follows:
The hotel offers the guests with an amazing range of restaurants and bars for all those staying here. The guests can treat themselves to a wonderful range of food ad dishes which are really wonderful. There are many restaurants like Bamboo Bar, Rice Terrace Bar, Beach Comber Brassiere and others. The restaurants cum bars are real favorites with the guests of the hotel.
The hotel also offers the guests with an amazing range of other hotel amenities and services like dry cleaning and laundry services, currency exchange, tour desks, spas, meeting rooms and conference rooms.
Come and enjoy the amazing range of Hotel Amenities and Services at Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia!
Located on the beautiful beach of cape Senggigi, in a 12 Hectares of lush tropical garden shaded by palm trees.
Only 25 minutes easy drive from Lombok's Selaparang airport and the capital city of Mataram.
Only 25 minutes easy drive from Lombok's Selaparang airport and the capital city of Mataram.
Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia is an
amazing hotel and features prominently in the list of the best 4 Star
Hotels in Lombok in Indonesia. Location of Senggigi Beach Hotel in
Lombok in Indonesia along with the hotel amenities and services has
contributed largely to the popularity of the hotel. The Location of
Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia is amazing and guests coming
to stay here at the hotel would strongly vouch for it. The Location of
Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia is extremely attractive and
very convenient for all tourists coming from different parts of the
world. The hotel is amazing and the guests simply love the place.
Location of Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok at Indonesia is such that
it enables all guests to have a nice time while touring the city.
Location of Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia has attracted
tourists from all over the world as it is simply wonderful. The hotel is
located on the famous beach of Senggigi which happens to be a cape. The
Location of Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok allows tourists to make this
hotel their first choice for staying as it lies in very close proximity
to the air port which is a 25 minutes drive from the Seleparang Airport
and lies close to the capital city of Mataram. Guests coming to stay
here at the hotel can come by any forms of conveyance like buses, taxis
and cars.So come and enjoy the Location of Senggigi Beach Hotel in Lombok in Indonesia as it truly is one fascinating part of the hotel's profile.
Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
kuta lombok beach
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kuta lombok beach |
Kuta Lombok Beach has clean white sand and blue-green water with cliffs and mountains to the coast that makes the beautiful scenery and amazing beaches here is one of the best beaches in the world and home to the world’s best surfing.
Kuta Lombok also has a variety of accommodations and restaurants to support the best tourism on the island of Lombok. Most tourists come to this place to relax reading a book on the beach, sunbathing, surfing and traveling with a rented motorbike to see the surrounding scenery.
This place still keep the original life of local residents, tourists will see life and native culture, tourists can also learn or to know how people live there with their normal lives. most of them do not speak English, so even though they will welcome you with a smile. They also do not interfere with tourist activity.
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Kuta Lombok Beach Map |
Kuta Lombok, How to Get There?
From Bali
many companies that operate a shuttle
bus from Bali to Kuta beach Lombok, usually depart from Kuta Bali or
Ubud. This trip costs Rp 150 000 in one direction only. This price
includes the cost of ferry and transport links. When you bring your surfboard will incur a surcharge of Rp 10 000 per surfboard. This journey takes 12 hours to travel to the Kuta Lombok. This method is slower and cheaper.
From Lembar
When you go from the Lembar port in
Lombok to Kuta Lombok with a rental car, rental prices should be
negotiated first. Because competition among porters very much, sometimes
they are carrying goods of tourists into the car, before the tourists
and the driver set the price. Make sure the car rental with driver is
really clear.
When you use a taxi make sure the taxi use the meter, cost of using a taxi from the Lembar port to Kuta beach Rp 250,000.
When you use a taxi make sure the taxi use the meter, cost of using a taxi from the Lembar port to Kuta beach Rp 250,000.
From Mataram airport
For passengers departing from Airport to
Kuta Lombok, so they should buy a taxi coupon Rp 225.000. journey time
approximately 1 hour
Kuta Lombok, What would you do there ?
To go to a local facility, can be done by foot, if you want to go to around Kuta Lombok could do with a ojek (motorcycle taxi).
The most efficient way to get around is
by renting a car with local driver, they are available in most hotels
there. To circle the island rents upwards Rp 350,000 per day
Many visitors consider the most
efficient way to get around is by hiring a local driver and a
comfortable car. They are available in most hotels to transport you
around the island amounted to Rp 350,000 and upwards per day.
The most efficient way to get around is
by renting a car with local driver, they are available in most hotels
there. To circle the island rents upwards Rp 350,000 per day.
The most preferred way to get around in
this place or traveling around southern Lombok on a motorbike, you can
rent a motorcycle in Kuta, rental costs Rp 50,000 / day. If you bring
your surfboard can ask the rental agent a motorcycle surfboard rack for motorcycles, they usually have a rack for a surfboard.
If you want to get around by boat, make
sure the price is completely agreed upon and also includes fuel, where
you will go and return before sunset, do not expect the boat had a full
safety equipment, but make sure you have it. and some traditional boat
operators, they can not communicate with english and also the Indonesian
In Kuta Lombok has some beaches have white sand and beautiful. The beach was among others :
Kuta Lombok Beach, Kuta village, in this place a lot of accommodations and restaurants.
Putri Nyale Beach
(Novotel Beach) is located approximately 3 km from Kuta Lombok beach,
Novotel Lombok is in this place, very beautiful beaches here, if the low
tide this place can not get to swim.
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Putri Nyale Beach, Kuta Lombok. |
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Seger Beach, Kuta Lombok |
Tanjung A’an Beach, located 7 km from Kuta Lombok beach, Tanjung A’an consists of two white sand bay, A’an Pedau in the west and the east, separated by a ridge of stone, soft turquoise colored water, very nice to swim and snorkeling.
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Tanjung A'an Beach, Kuta Lombok |
Mawun beach, located 8 miles west of Kuta Lombok beach. Mawun crescent-shaped beach and secluded with crystal clear water and white sand. A very good place to relax, swim and surf.
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Mawun Beach |
Kuta Lombok, Surfing at there
Kuta Lombok is the purpose of surfers,
with world class beach breaks, reefs and points along the coast. Many
cases of theft of motorcycles here, if you bring a motorcycle when
surfing, make sure your motorcycle is keep by local residents by paying
Popular surf breaks around Kuta :
closest to the village of Kuta Lombok, Seger provide heavy right hander
and is very good under most conditions. This is a popular place for a
shift in tide in the afternoon, and especially after a big rain in the
rainy season. Novotel your past, then turn right after the small bridge
and continue taking right turns until the path becomes open. There is
free parking at the end, with a small hill that visitors can climb to
see the surrounding scenery.
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Surfing at Seger Reef |
AIR GULING: the coast to the western village of Kuta
Lombok. Rest is just a paddle from the beach, and is a strong right
hander, which can be very empty for a big swell. Continue west from Kuta
Lombok, climbed mountains and on the other. There are views of the
beach when it fell, and the road turned away from the beach. Finally on
the left there will be a dirt road. Continue the road to the beach, and
park your bike here by paying a parking fee of Rp 3,000.
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Suring at Air Guling |
GERUPUK : Rest of the
most popular in Kuta Lombok. There are two main break here, although
several others pop up in appropriate circumstances. You need to hire a
boatman to access the rest of the village, this tion transformation
costs Rp 50,000 a person, for 2-3 people Rp 25.000/person, and more than
3 people Rp 20,000 / person. The boat will be waiting for you 2-3 hours
while you surf. To get here, you go up to the east for 7 km (about
10-15 minutes), and the parking fee of Rp 1,000.
- Inside Gerupuk : Inside there is a sheltered bay and is good for beginner surfers. The floor is soft coral beds that do not cause much damage. The wave breaks both left and right here, and this place will be busy.
- Outside Gerupuk : Can not be seen from the village, can be viewed by going there a short boat ride. Outsides are generally the most reliable bet for surfing – there’s almost always something to surf here, even in conditions of low swell. A wave is a right hander and can be quite severe.
Surfing at Gerupuk
To meet the basic needs of tourists, tourists can get one in the village of Kuta Lombok, to other needs of tourists must go to the town of Praya. If you want to take the money at an ATM, you may go to city Praya, a distance of 30 km from Kuta Lombok.
Praya town can be reached by local public transfortasi, the trip takes 1 hour.Restoran Kuta Lombok beach has a large selection of food, most restaurants serve European, international and Indonesian. cuisine.
For price variation has an Kuta Lombok accommodation, from cheap cottages to 4 star hotel (novotel). most of the existing accommodation along the coast.
The price of accommodation also depends on the facility.
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Vila Ombak, Lombok. Gili Trawangan Island
Hotel Vila Ombak, the first
international hotel on the magical island of Gili Trawangan, is a place that
balances the comforts of first class accommodation with the natural beauty
that surrounds.
The Hotel Vila Ombak features the
traditional building style of Lombok, and its neighboring islands, to blend
harmoniously with the island's landscape.
Hotel Vila Ombak is the first
international hotel on the magical island of Gili Trawangan,a 10 minutes
boat-ride off the North-western coastline of the main island of Lombok, a childhood
dream that blends the comforts of first class accommodation with the natural
beauty of a small exotic tropical island.
The hotel features 60 air-conditioned traditionally inspired comfortable Lumbung Huts and Bungalows, a magnificent 2-storey seaside restaurant, a beach-bar with adjacent beach-restaurant and pizzeria, a spa with massage-, beauty- and body-treatments and the well-known Vila Ombak Diving Academy. Other facilities include a lobby-lounge, a 3-level swimming-pool with pool bar, a combined gift- and drugstore and a little clinic serving the islands community. Last not least there is a luxurious sunbathing - in the evening turn moon/ stargazing - lounge next to the beach-bar on the more than 200 meter long hotel-beach with unrivalled views on the neighboring islands and the majestic Mount Rinjani on Lombok. |
Superior Lumbung Terrace
A unique traditional Lumbung roof brings cozy atmosphere that close to nature. The two storey building with four different rooms in one complex unit allow a private holiday to come, all of them equipped and facilitated with modern amenities. The spacious terrace comfort for sunbathing or staring to the clear night stars while enjoying the Superior
Superior Lumbung Hut
Upon waking you can embrace the
morning sun and position yourself for a day of relaxation or explore the
underwater-word of the azure Flores Sea. When the heat of the day becomes too
intense you can retreat to the elevated lounging area (the balé) in the cool
shade below the Lumbung or drift into an afternoon nap in the gently swinging
Deluxe Lumbung Hut
The deluxe lumbung huts, with
their romantic and exotic charm, make the most of outdoor living. The
spacious terrace is a private relaxation area for enjoying the sun or perfect
starlit nights. To escape the heat the lower level offers shaded comfort.
Relax in the elevated lounging area (Balé), entertain friends or simply
daydream in your own hammock.
Deluxe Family Bungalow
The rooms are half houses that have large sleeping and living areas, they also have a Balé (a spacious lounging area) integrated in the room which can easily be used as a bed for children or foran extra person. Each room has twin beds that can be moved side by side to become a double bed. A mosquito net can be provided though it is rarely needed. All Deluxe Bungalow rooms have spacious semi-open bathrooms.
Deluxe Ombak Room
Each Deluxe Ombak Room has a large lounging area (Balé) for daytime relaxing which can be easily transformed into comfortable beds to make this a perfect family unit. The bathroom is semi-open and you can enjoy a shower under the sky next to a little garden corner.
Ombak Villas
Ombak Villas and Cottages are an exclusive extension of the well-liked and highly successful Hotel Vila Ombak.
Combining the best of Eastern and
Western assets, ideas and talents these unmistakably Indonesian structures
with Western comfort guarantee you a magnificent time on an idyllic
sun-kissed island free of cars and motorbikes.
The dome-shaped
"Lumbung" roofs give an exotic, tranquil and warm ambience that
blends well with the modern touch of marbles and natural stones.
Vila Ombak Diving Academy
The Vila Ombak Diving A cademy is
the only Dive Centre in Indonesia to receive an award for "Outstanding
Commitment for the PADI system of education". It is a fully accredited 5
Star Dive Centre and Gold Palm Resort.
Situated at Hotel Vila Ombak it
has created the premier marine tourism destination in the Gili Islands. Its
collective goal is to provide you with the most complete and fulfilling
diving experience available on the Gili Islands. The management team has been
operating since 1991 and has a 100 % safety record.
They cater to all levels of diving
ability from complete beginner with the PADI Discover Scuba Diving Program to
Assistant Instructor for the budding scuba professional. They teach and have
all PADI materials in a wide range of languages, too. For the experienced diver
they dive up to 4 times per day including fantastic night diving.
Their experienced PADI
dive-masters will guide divers around all Gili Islands spotting marine life
such as cuttlefish, octopus, blue ribbon eel, unusual leaf scorpion-fish and
tons of turtles! They specialize in small groups and tailor diving to suit
the diver's interests.
Wedding Venue
Celebrate the most important day of your life in the intimate luxury of Hotel Vila Ombak. Your most romantic dreams come alive at our island resort, an alluring wedding venue of unique charm and sophistication. Bring your families and friends together to witness your exchange of vows in paradise. Unite the excitement and emotion of this lifelong memorable occasion with a relaxed and carefree island vacation among a big or intimate group of those near, dear and special to you. Shared, a fantasy comes within reach. Our beautiful hotel with superb personal services awaits you, a special place for memories as precious as these. Restaurants & Bars Facing the sea and Lombok's towering Mount Rinjani, The OMBAK RESTAURANT is a magnificent two-storey restaurant, decorated with the area's arts and crafts. Nestle into one of its many cozy corners or sit outside at the BEACH RESTAURANT AND BAR and enjoy varieties of delicious international food, seafood bazaar or pizza.
'WAROENG BULE' will be open on 13
May 2009 - 24 hours - 7 days, located on the beach front arcade that offers
different service and island atmosphere..
Activities at Vila Ombak
Apart from the peace and tranquility, the highlight for most visitors to Hotel Vila Ombak is discovering the surrounding clear waters and coral reefs with its variety of colorful tropical fish. A haven for snorkeling enthusiasts and divers alike, there are some excellent sites all within a short boat ride. Hotel Vila Ombak has its own Diving Academy that caters for all levels of diving abilities. Fully qualified instructors are available to teach beginners and help them to make the most of their first underwater experience or to enable the experienced diver to get the next higher PADI Certificate.
Hotel Vila Ombak is located on Gili
Trawangan, one of Lombok Island oasis, the largest of the 3 Gili Islands just
off Lombok's Northwestern coastline.
You can reach the island with a
number of direct daily speedboat services (price available upon request)
leaving Benoa Harbor, Bali (approximately 2,5 hours) or Padang Bai Harbor, Bali
(approximately 1 hour), or phinisi boat leaving from Padang Bai Harbor, Bali
(approximately 4 hours). Arriving in the tiny Trawangan harbour get a
horse-carriage (Cidomo) to Vila Ombak. The approx. 500 meters ride costs about
Rp. 50,000, - and is very appealing and an enchanting prelude to the island's
life style you will enjoy the next days.
Alternatively, you can take flights
from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Surabaya or Bali that takes only 25
minutes flight time to Mataram, Lombok. Then, a pick up service can be arranged
from the airport with our combine spacious air conditioned car + speedboat
transfer service (price available on request) - which will take you trough a
scenic drive along the western coastline (Sengigi) or trough a rain forest with
monkeys along the road (Pusuk) - to a 7 - 10 minutes trip by our speed boat to
the island.
Alternatively you can take a taxi to
Bangsal, the little harbor village for the Gili islands. In Bangsal you can charter
a boat to Gili Trawangan at an affordable price if you don't want to wait until
the public boat has got its 12 or so passengers on board before it leaves. It
takes a 40 minutes trip on an outrigger boat from Bangsal to Gili Trawangan.
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